IdentityImpact LLC - Website Design, Business Identity, Marketing Communications and Consulting

Marketing and Communications -- it's all about your company

Marketing and Communications - it's lots of things... it includes

  • your collaterals (brochures, flyers, hang tags, signs), press releases...
  • your placement choices - just where do you spend your hard earned $$$ to promote your business

And as we've said many places, it's your points of emphasis

  • your distinctive competence
  • what makes your company unique
  • your message
  • your tag line (you DO have a tag line, don't you?)
  • how you succinctly state who you are

A website or a brochure creates a visitor~reader experience.

How do your visitors~readers feel about you?

Is it how you want them to feel?
Is your business' message

Counseling & empathetic?
Straightforward & direct?

We keep your ideas focused, and whatever you want your message to be, we'll make sure it reflects

  • your values
  • your principles
  • your business' integrity
  • your capabilities

When we've got the message nailed, it's time to put it out there in the world.

We believe in testing our placements as we go --

nothing too grandiose to get started, after all, it's your money we're talking about here.

We'll build from your corporate identity, to help

  • your sales team members
  • your business representatives
  • your partners and collaborators

take you where you need to go.

It's all one of a kind, like your business.

Contact us.

Custom Marketing and Consulting.... Unique for your business
Copyright IdentityImpact LLC.  All rights reserved.